Sales Agreement



The purpose of this regulation; It regulates the procedures and principles of concluding contracts for online sales pursuant to the Regulation on Implementation Procedures and Principles of Distance Contracts published in the Official Gazette dated 13.06.2003 and numbered 25137.


This Regulation includes the articles that are made electronically and without confronting the consumers, and the immediate or subsequent delivery or performance of the goods or services to the consumer is decided.


This Regulation has been prepared based on the articles of the Regulation on Implementation Procedures and Principles of Distance Contracts published in the Official Gazette dated 13.06.2003 and numbered 25137.


4.1-Title: Burudiguru Design Ltd. Sti. (Hereinafter referred to as
Address: Çarşı Mahallesi Eski Government Sokak No:15 Bodrum / Muğla

4.2-The person who, as a customer, is a member of the shopping site. (Hereinafter referred to as the Receiver.) The address and contact information used while becoming a member is taken as basis.

4.3- All information regarding the quantity, brand/models, colour, quantity, sales price, payment method, order of the product or products subject to the contract explained on the shopping website.

4.4-The products and products subject to the contract; sales information disclosed on the shopping site.

4.5-Contractual products and products; Changes in sales information can be made without the Buyer's knowledge. It is not mandatory to inform

4.6-Buyer has the right of withdrawal in accordance with the conditions in Article 6.


5.1 - The BUYER declares that he has read all the preliminary information and is informed and gives the necessary confirmation in electronic environment.

5.2 - If the product subject to the contract is to be delivered to a person/organization other than the BUYER, cannot be held responsible if the person/organization to be delivered does not accept the delivery.

5.3 – is responsible for the delivery of the product subject to the contract, intact, complete, in accordance with the qualifications specified in the order, and with warranty documents and user manuals, if any.

5.4 - For the delivery of the product subject to the contract, the price must be paid with the payment method preferred by the BUYER. If for any reason the price of the product is not paid or canceled in the bank records, is deemed to be free from the obligation to deliver the product.

5.5- After the delivery of the product, the product price of the relevant bank or financial institution due to the unfair or unlawful use of the BUYER's credit card by unauthorized persons, not due to the BUYER's fault' In case of non-payment, the product must be sent to within 3 days, provided that it has been delivered to the BUYER. In this case, the shipping costs belong to the BUYER.

5.6- is obliged to notify the BUYER if the product subject to the contract cannot be delivered in due time due to force majeure or extraordinary circumstances such as weather conditions preventing transportation, interruption of transportation. In this case, the BUYER may use one of the rights to cancel the order, replace the product subject to the contract with its precedent, if any, and/or postpone the delivery time until the obstacle is removed. In case the BUYER cancels the order, the amount paid is paid to him in cash and in full within 10 days.

5.7- Defective or damaged products of products sold with or without warranty certificate can be sent to for the necessary repair within the warranty conditions


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